David and Gabriel

David and Gabriel, is a project composed of images of two individuals who represent an older generation of gay men who have lived a vastly different experience from my own as a gay person. Through intimate portraits and quiet depictions of their interior spaces, I seek to highlight the nuanced complexities of their lives, particularly as they navigate aging in a world that has transformed significantly since their youth.

I’ve captured moments of vulnerability, strength, and introspection. In a culture that often prioritizes youth, these portraits challenge us to confront the complexities of aging, identity, and legacy within the gay community. The images are not just representations of David and Gabriel’s physical presence but also a tribute to their emotional and personal journeys. Despite never having met, they share striking similarities—silver hair, introspective expressions, and a quiet resilience that speaks to their shared experiences.

During my time with them, I built close relationships through deep conversations and shared stories, which allowed me to intimately capture their lives. As they opened up, I learned about the unique challenges of being gay during a time defined by the AIDS crisis and widespread social stigma. This generation endured hardships but also played a crucial role in advancing the gay rights movement.

These images serve as a dialogue between the past and the present. These photographs invite viewers to reflect on David and Gabriel’s journeys and offer a lens to view the broader narratives of resilience, identity, and legacy within the LGBTQ+ community, encouraging a deeper understanding of how the past continues to shape the present and future for all generations.